Daily Digest #382

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. —1 Peter 4:10
I just remembered an incident when my parents were here in September. We were on our way to the province that time. I had everything planned to prevent hassles along the way. But for some reason, the bus schedule changed: from 6am to 9am! I didn't want to make my parents wait for 3hours, especially when they woke up so early in the morning. So we took the bus that would take us halfway, and just pick up from there. When we arrived, the clerk at the ticket desk informed us that the bus to our destination would arrive in 2hours. I started to get pissed off with all the change of schedule. I had been there 4 times already, and the schedules have always been the same, until that trip. I worried so much that I almost left my laptop in the bus! I had to run to fetch it, and it was already about to depart! Good thing, my parents were calm and just enjoying the experience, which in turn kept me still. That time, I remembered to pray. I said a quick prayer, apologized for my worries and impatience, and asked God for help. Suddenly, a Thai lady approached us and offered some help. She took us to a small travel agency that offered trips every hour. She even assisted us in paying for our tickets because the ticket lady was talking so fast, I couldn't understand anything she said. After a few minutes, we were finally seated comfortably in the van. I never got to thank the lady again. The last time I saw her was at a quick stopover. She walked hurriedly away from the van (I think that was her stop), right after the driver dropped my guitar huhu. For some reason, I fretted about the dent quicker than expected (I normally go ballistic about anything bad that's happened to my guitar, or to stuff that I treasure). The dent in my guitar has been a great reminder to me about the previous incident -- how God sends help in times of need, and that I should pray instead of worry -- and that I need not be so attached to material things heheh.
For this, join me in prayer. May we be inspired by good examples we witness in others to do the same. May we be ambassadors of Christ, not hesitating to offer a helping hand to those who need them. May we always remember that there's a reason why we are put in a certain situation, or why we encounter a certain person. May we see all these as blessings, and thank God -- for the grace, if not, for the lesson :D
Also, allow me to share today's post by Max Lucado (read below). Happy weekend! Pray always. God bless!
Timely Help
“We will find grace to help us when we need it.” Hebrews 4:16 NLT
God’s help is timely. He helps us the same way a father gives plane tickets to his family. When I travel with my kids, I carry all our tickets in my satchel. When the moment comes to board the plane, I stand between the attendant and the child. As each daughter passes, I place a ticket in her hand. She, in turn, gives the ticket to the attendant. Each one receives the ticket in the nick of time.
What I do for my daughters God does for you. He places himself between you and the need. And at the right time, he gives you the ticket. Wasn’t this the promise he gave his disciples? “When you are arrested and judged, don’t worry ahead of time about what you should say. Say whatever is given you to say at that time, because it will not really be you speaking; it will be the Holy Spirit” (Mark 13:11, emphasis mine).
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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