Daily Digest #305

I had the opportunity to share some words of wisdom for my friend the other day. There was a debate going on in her Facebook wall about a Bible verse. But somehow, a bit of my comment sparked more issues on others and the discussion went on and on. Honestly, somewhere in the middle of it all, I thought of how to win my brothers. But I realized it was never about winning. Finally, a wise brother commented: "It's a matter of choice for everyone.... . I have chosen God... Imagine when nothing works for me and I have a Person (GOD) to rely on... GOD gives hope..... I think GOD helps in uplifting me.... What if I had no one to go to..... It's not about commenting or debating, it's all about an experience. Perhaps some have experienced GOD's love....." That certainly shut everyone up for good hahaha.
That experience taught me a very important lesson. I realized how we should never allow anything to stir our focus away from glorifying God. There are matters that are better left unsaid, especially when people do not speak the same language. There is also an opportunity to show compassion and patience towards others who simply want to voice out their opinions so that no divisions can ever emerge.
What would Jesus do in this situation? I think He would express love for His brothers no matter what. He's always focused on glorifying and giving pleasure to His Heavenly Father. Anyway, He certainly used an instrument to take away what seemed to be dividing us.
For this, let us pray. Lord, thank You for teaching us about kindness, patience and compassion. May we practice them in our lives. May we learn to ask "what would Jesus do?" for every challenge or trial. May we also learn to assess our intention, our own character, instead of hastily judging others for their words and actions. Forgive us for being self-righteous at times. Lord, help us grow a loving and humble heart. Amen.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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