Daily Digest #297

Here are the topics discussed in the article "Free In The Spirit", p.30:
Q1: If we keep falling, will God keep forgiving us?
Ans: Yes, because He doesn't see us as we see ourselves.
Q2: Can we stop doing what we don't want to do?
Ans: Yes, if we learn to rely on the Spirit.
Q3: Can we be sure God won't give up on us?
Ans: Yes, because He loves us as His children.
Q4: Is there a way out of this awful struggle?
Ans: Yes, if we find ultimate hope in the life to come.
Q5: Will God help us overcome the failures we experience every day?
Ans: Yes, He has promised to help and intervene in our daily lives.
Q6: Can anything separate us from the love of God?
Ans: No, nothing can change God's love for us.
The only way we can use God's armor is when we recognize His love and power over our lives. May we make time to assess ourselves, our principles, our priorities -- are they according to God's will or ours alone? Do we consult Him when making plans? Do we ask Him to guide us in our journey?
For this, let us pray. May we find courage, strength and comfort in God. May we trust that His love for us will never change or die. May we believe that He is with us in our battles. May we allow him to use our weaknesses as His strength to overcome our doubts and fears. Pray always. God bless!
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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