Daily Digest #383

The king was deeply moved, and went up to the chamber over the gate, and wept. —2 Samuel 18:33
Usually, when relationships are broken, we tend to turn a blind eye on the opportunities God gives for reconciliation. There's this growing pride saying, "it's totally his/her fault! he/she should say sorry" or "he/she has done this many times, i'm done with him/her". It is easy to judge when hurt, and we're usually tempted to get back at the person who hurt us :D But God moves in mysterious ways! His wisdom in moments of prayer pours in, and gives us strength to humble ourselves and own up to our faults. There is no room for judgement on others, only on one's self. And we learn to see Jesus' face in his/her face again, even the most spiteful of "enemies" :D Of course, we should also remember how our own emotions could be the worst enemy of all.
Among my many relationships, there were some very dear to me that I eventually lost. Some of which I wasn't willing to restore anymore, and some were because others were too proud or too "fed up" to work it out. But humbling moments with God taught me to assess myself in moments of difficulty with other people by asking: "Have I loved enough? Do my choices bring me closer to God?" I also realized that un-forgiveness is only caused by stubbornness to listen to God's voice and do God's will. Lack of prayer always drifts me farther away, and makes my wounds deeper, and my pain worse. I came to realize that only when I truly forgive and love do I attain peace of mind.
Broken relationships are God's wake up call to assess ourselves and our priorities. That's why we should always pray for our relationships, that God may be in the center ALWAYS. Conflicts can always be solved, only if we're willing to cooperate. Sometimes we focus too much on what we can gain, rather than what we can give. May today's reading serve as a reminder for us to pray, to love and to forgive. We may give up on others or ourselves, but God will never give up on us.
Let us praise God for our many blessings and for answering our prayers! May God bless our relationships and guide our choices today. Amen.
Have a wonderful day ahead! Pray always. God bless!
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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