Daily Digest #153

We can be little children sometimes -- with the way we think, the way we act or the way we speak. The Scripture implies how we should be children in faith, but adults when facing temptation to sin or the sin itself. The same with dealing with our brothers and sisters in Christ, there are times when we are the ones who are enlightened by the Spirit, and we ought to be a light to others who are "children" to sin. We have a great responsibility to each other -- to draw each other closer to God, in whichever way He tells us to do.
That's why in doing our service to God in our every day lives, prayer is essential. When we pray, our every thought, word and action are guided, and stirred toward righteousness. We can be assured of this because we are tend to seek His will and not ours. We may find it difficult to correct each other, especially when the ones we confront is older, a close friend or family member, or someone with a higher "social status". But when it is meant to be our task to correct or confront, He always gives us the courage and strength to do what has to be done, especially when we ask. God has His way of saying when the time is right, and He puts the right words in our tongues. And we'll know all these when we pray.
Allow me to share to you an article from the Purpose Driven Life, about handling conflicts (read below). May we be a light to others whose flames have grown dim. May we draw each other closer to God. May we be reminded of our responsibility to each other. And above all, may we grow a patient and loving heart. Pray always.
My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. James 1:19 (NLT)
I’ll tell you how to deal with conflict quickly, but you’re not going to like it. The solution to conflict resolution is one word: confrontation.
If you’re going to resolve conflict, you must confront. But, you don’t have to confront in anger. In fact, you should try not to confront in anger. Lovingly go to the person and, then speaking the truth in love, deal with the problem immediately.
Very few of us enjoy confrontation. The only people who really do are troublemakers who seem to delight in confrontation. They love to go to people and say, “You’re blowing it!” That’s their thrill.
Because it’s risky and uncomfortable, most people don’t like confrontation, but it’s the only way to resolve conflict.
What’s the best way to confront? James 1:19 teaches three rules for confrontation. Everyone should be:
· Quick to listen,
· Slow to speak, and
· Slow to become angry.
If you’re quick to listen and if you’re slow to speak, you’ll automatically be slow to anger.
What are you listening for? You are listening for the hurt in that person. Hurting people always hurt other people. When someone is being a jerk, more than likely it’s because that person is hurting. When you understand their hurt a bit, you have a better understanding of why they do what they do, and you’re a little more patient with them.
Understanding always brings patience. When we don’t understand things, we’re impatient. When we understand them, we’re much more patient.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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