Daily Digest #265

It's difficult to claim God's presence and love in our lives when we are flooded by worries and guilt. Some of us long to experience extraordinary spiritual high to be able to say that the Holy Spirit is with us. The truth is, the Holy Spirit has always been inside us, and we're the ones sleeping :D Whenever we hear that small voice helping us discern what's right or wrong, I believe those are moments when God is calling so He may guide our choices.
The holy week teaches us every year to celebrate God's saving grace through Jesus Christ. We have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit so God may live inside us, to teach us His ways, to learn to turn to Jesus and make Him our ultimate model of living and loving. Jesus' sacrifice may not mean much to others, but the lenten season reminds us that we have been made co-heirs with Chist. It also reminds us of our need to learn to leave our burdens to Him so we may free ourselves from what keeps us away from serving and loving God. We all have jobs to perform here on earth, and it is through our relationship with God -- The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit -- that we know what we're here for.
For this, let us pray. May we develop a habit of communicating with Him in whatever we do. May seek His help when our lights grow dim, and be a light to others as well. May we truly believe and claim that Jesus IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Have a wonderful day! Pray always.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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