Daily Digest #309

To be a true ambassador of Christ is a real challenge to most Christians. Lucky are we to witness people with passion in what they do. For me, a person with passion is someone who delights in what he/she does, uncomplaining and very much motivated no matter what the circumstances are.
At work, it's sometimes very hard to do this. There may be bosses who always seem to piss you off, colleagues who gossip or are so full of themselves, or subordinates who idle around instead of work. But Jesus teaches us to work, not for man, but for Him. This is what I always forget. I personally either get so much into what I do that I tend to push others around, frown at every bit of injustice or discomfort, or make kids cry (heheh).
The reading today has taught me a very valuable lesson. Just this morning, I was greeted by work that was supposedly done and over with late yesterday. I realized that when I'm pissed, it's so obvious that people around tend to shut up or taunt more. But I also realized that it may have to do with what I really feel inside. Why do I even snap? I do love my job, but I don't seem to love the people at work enough. I realized that my problem is focus. I lose it at the slightest nuisance. And God is teaching me today to practice patience more, and pray more. There are things that I just can't control, but I can always control my own words and actions.
And so, I try to gather a smile on my face as I type this reflection. I look again at the blessings that come along this new day -- more opportunities to love and to serve, to care, and to be a reflection of God's love. For this, join me in prayer. Lord, thank You for this day and for all the things that lie ahead. Thank You for the lessons that You teach us for they help us grow more into Your likeness. Thank You for the people we encounter daily for they are Your instruments to help us understand, feel and love You more. Please forgive us for our shortcomings as Your ambassadors. We ask for Your guidance today. May we do our tasks with love, as if doing them for You. These we ask in the name of Jesus, Your Son. Amen.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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