Daily Digest #360

Whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? —1 John 3:17
The reading today made me reflect about my choices. I realized I have not been kind and generous. I've been picky in terms of giving and helping out others. I find it hard to trust people easily. And when I do, I set expectations which when are unmet could lead me to anger and frustration. But I learned how these expectations have bruised and ruined some of my dearest relationships (family and close friends alike; some of which I am still too proud to mend). I have reacted badly to complains and rejections -- which I may also have expressed on others -- and it kept me from loving and giving unconditionally. I always forget how God has been generous and patient with me all this time. It's a shame how I claim to love God and to be loved by God, when I do not let His love manifest in me sometimes. But He has ways to remind me to pray in moments of weakness -- when I choose my own comfort over others' needs -- to look at the brighter side of things, and to accept, if not understand, the things that I cannot change.
For this, please join me in prayer. Lord, thank You for the lesson you imparted to us today. We look forward to learning more from You, and to becoming real Christians. May our choices be pleasing to You. May we be humble servants, doing our utmost for the task at hand. May we continue to pray for others, to count our blessings, to forgive, to LOVE and to serve You with all our hearts, just as Your Son did. We ask these in Jesus' name. Amen.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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