Daily Digest #154

A lot of times, we find ourselves hoping to have more time than what we actually have, especially when we're too worked up in our jobs. It's like 24 hours in not enough for 1 day. What we don't realize is that God always gives enough time for His purpose. Anything beyond that is either overdoing it, or neglecting it. When we seek His will, He always makes sure that we can carry on with the task in His time. And while He gives us many opportunities to serve Him everyday, each one passes and never comes back. This challenges us to think about the things we would do with the time given to us. It really helps to remember these verses everyday: Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." -- James 4:14-15
For this, let us pray. May we make use of our time for His glory -- may it be in our workplaces, our community, our neighborhood, or at home -- for He doesn't want us wasting any of it. May we cease to worry about tomorrow, for it is all in God's hands. May we focus on what we can do today, and grow a heart of love, patience and content. May His will be done on us at all times. Pray always.
Do not boast about [what you’re going to do] tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. Proverbs 27:1 (NIV)
The Bible offers three timeless principles for facing an uncertain future:
1. Let God set your goals. It’s foolish to make any plans without first consulting God. He’s the only one who does know the future, and he’s eager to guide you through it. The Bible says “We may make our plans, but God has the last word” (Proverbs 16:1 GNT). In other words, planning without praying is presumption. Start by praying, “God, what do you want me to do?”
2. Live one day at a time. While you can plan for tomorrow, you can’t live tomorrow until it arrives. Most people spend so much time regretting the past and worrying about the future, they have no time for today! Commit to making the most of each moment of each day. Jesus said, “Don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time” (Matthew 6:34 LB).
3. Don’t procrastinate. Procrastinating is a subtle trap. It wastes today by postponing things until tomorrow. You promise yourself that you’ll do it “one of these days,” but then “one of these days” turns into “none of these days.” The Bible says, “Do not boast about [what you’re going to do] tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth” (Proverbs 27:1 NIV). What have you planned to do that you haven’t done yet? When do you intend to start working on it?
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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