Daily Digest #195
God equips people for His purpose. Many times we have said NO to His invitation to serve Him because we lack the trust that He truly equips. Like Moses who admitted to be slow of speech and tongue, we are easily discouraged by our incapability, weakness and fear.
If we look at physically challenged people, most of them who graciously continue with their lives use their gifts. Believe it or not, we all have unique gifts that we can share. The other week, we were fortunate enough to have witnessed people in wheelchair play basketball. It was truly a marvelous sight. The "normal" ones seemed more disabled than they were.
God invites us everyday to admit our weaknesses so they may become His strength, not so we could pity ourselves. The same with our individual gifts, which are to be shared. We have both weakness and strength for a reason -- and it is "to use it for His glory".
For this let us pray. May we learn to say YES to God each time an opportunity to serve arises. May we trust that there is nothing impossible for Him, and that He is there to guide us, if only we ask. May our lives give glory to His name. Pray always.
But the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. Luke 2:10 (NLT)
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Knowing God is for you will change your whole perspective on life. You’ll stop thinking of God as someone looking down from heaven, ready to yell, “Gotcha!” anytime you mess up.
Instead, you’ll realize God loves you; God is with you; and God is for you! God is for your success in life; he created you for a purpose and he wants you to succeed. It is God, your Creator, who will measure your success in life, and no one else.
This is extremely good news!
It means you don’t need to be afraid of God because God is for you. Yet, some people are so afraid of God they get nervous just talking about him. Do you know why? They feel guilty, and then they start thinking, “If I get close to God, he’s going to lecture me. He’s going to remind me of all the things I’ve done wrong, and then I’ll feel even worse!”
Nothing could be further from the truth of God. Jesus said, “I did not come into the world to condemn it, but to save it.” In effect, Jesus is saying, “I didn’t come to scold you, I came to save you.”
And if God is for us, who can be against us?
Jesus came to save us, not to scare us. That’s why when the angel was telling the shepherds about the birth of Jesus, the first thing he says is: “Don’t be afraid!”
In fact, when God sends a message to people in the Bible, it’s not unusual for the first words to be: “Don’t be afraid.” There are 365 messages from God in the Bible that begin with a phrase like, “Fear not!” In other words, every single day of the year you can read a message from God that says, in effect, “You don’t need to be afraid. I am for you; I am with you; I love you.”
We celebrate Christmas because of this good news from God!
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Knowing God is for you will change your whole perspective on life. You’ll stop thinking of God as someone looking down from heaven, ready to yell, “Gotcha!” anytime you mess up.
Instead, you’ll realize God loves you; God is with you; and God is for you! God is for your success in life; he created you for a purpose and he wants you to succeed. It is God, your Creator, who will measure your success in life, and no one else.
This is extremely good news!
It means you don’t need to be afraid of God because God is for you. Yet, some people are so afraid of God they get nervous just talking about him. Do you know why? They feel guilty, and then they start thinking, “If I get close to God, he’s going to lecture me. He’s going to remind me of all the things I’ve done wrong, and then I’ll feel even worse!”
Nothing could be further from the truth of God. Jesus said, “I did not come into the world to condemn it, but to save it.” In effect, Jesus is saying, “I didn’t come to scold you, I came to save you.”
And if God is for us, who can be against us?
Jesus came to save us, not to scare us. That’s why when the angel was telling the shepherds about the birth of Jesus, the first thing he says is: “Don’t be afraid!”
In fact, when God sends a message to people in the Bible, it’s not unusual for the first words to be: “Don’t be afraid.” There are 365 messages from God in the Bible that begin with a phrase like, “Fear not!” In other words, every single day of the year you can read a message from God that says, in effect, “You don’t need to be afraid. I am for you; I am with you; I love you.”
We celebrate Christmas because of this good news from God!
Labels: daily digest, reflections
God's been good to me. Anyway, I got something to chip in for you about being inspired. Check out my post also!
Anonymous, at 4:25 PM, December 14, 2008
Oh my, the video clips are amazing, thanks for sharing them :D I like the inspirational story the most, truly moving.... We always have the choice to be a witness and/or an instrument of God's love and grace.... just like the blind son and his dad. I can only hope and pray that we see God's work around us, and allow Him to work within us. Anyway, thanks for dropping by. Be blessed :D
mojojho, at 12:23 AM, December 15, 2008
...and God bless Patrick Henry Hughes and his family :D
mojojho, at 12:28 AM, December 15, 2008
Amen sister, Amen...
Anonymous, at 2:27 AM, December 15, 2008
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