Daily Digest #202

God does miracles. He gives sick people a second chance in life when the doctors say there's no cure. He heals broken hearts and surprises them with a greater love when all hope is lost. He restores broken relationships. He sends help to the helpless -- providing for those who desperately need food, shelter, or a friend. He puts a glorious end to long waits -- like getting the much-needed visa after months or years of waiting, finally getting a dream job, hearing a "YES" from a person you've been pursuing for a long time (eherm), or getting through and passing an excruciating exam. He makes the IMpossible POSSIBLE :D
As we are in dire need of miracles, especially now that we experience worldwide recession and drastic climate change, let us pray. May we truly believe that anything is possible with God. May we believe that prayers can move mountains. May we open our hearts and minds to what God is telling us every time we ask. May we always hope in the Lord. Pray always.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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