Daily Digest #196

Answered prayers. I believe God answers all prayers; it is just up to us if we would listen and accept. I used to think He was not listening whenever His answers were in fact NO and WAIT. I always wanted to go things my way, or I'd throw out a "tantrum". And when they did, I took things for granted sometimes, forgetting that I prayed for such things to come. God didn't even hear a "thank you" from me.
I learned how powerful prayers really are, especially when they are according to God's plan. We might ask "how then can we know if our desires are the same as His?". I believe the answer surfaces while we pray. God Himself will let us know if we ask for His guidance. I believe it is a matter of building a closer relationship with God, and not just achieving a spiritual high or a miraculous experience.
For this, let us pray. May we remember that we can always hope in the Lord. Each trial or difficulty creates an opportunity, either to be drawn closer or farther away from God -- the choice is ours. May we trust that He is here, watching over us, listening to every prayer, and waiting for us to take His invitation. Pray always.
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Luke 2:11-12 (NIV)
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Today in the town of David (that’s Bethlehem) a Savior (there’s the salvation part) has been born to you (for you – a savior for YOU); he is Christ the Lord.
No doubt you’ve heard the phrase, “He was saved” or “She was saved,” but maybe you’ve wondered what that really means?
Let me give you a simple illustration. When my oldest child, Amy, was still young enough to be strapped into a car seat, she was with me as we were driving on a very, very hot day. She finally hung her head out the window, and being a three-and-a-half-year-old unable to get herself out of the car seat, she said, “Please, God! Get me out of this!”
Amy needed a savior! She couldn’t get out of her predicament by herself; she needed someone else to set her free. She needed someone to rescue her, to deliver her, to release her.
Maybe you’ve hit a point in your life when you felt the same way? Or, maybe you feel that way today? You simply want to hang your head out the window, and plead, “Oh, God. Get me out of this! Hello, God, I need your help here … please!”
What you’re hoping for is a savior. You’re hoping someone will somehow save you. The good news is that your hope is no longer an empty dream. God is actively engaged in a plan to save you. He is a God of hope, and it is a hope that will not disappoint.
God’s plan for your salvation is three-dimensional: You’re saved from something; you’re saved for something; and you’re saved by something.
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Luke 2:11-12 (NIV)
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Today in the town of David (that’s Bethlehem) a Savior (there’s the salvation part) has been born to you (for you – a savior for YOU); he is Christ the Lord.
No doubt you’ve heard the phrase, “He was saved” or “She was saved,” but maybe you’ve wondered what that really means?
Let me give you a simple illustration. When my oldest child, Amy, was still young enough to be strapped into a car seat, she was with me as we were driving on a very, very hot day. She finally hung her head out the window, and being a three-and-a-half-year-old unable to get herself out of the car seat, she said, “Please, God! Get me out of this!”
Amy needed a savior! She couldn’t get out of her predicament by herself; she needed someone else to set her free. She needed someone to rescue her, to deliver her, to release her.
Maybe you’ve hit a point in your life when you felt the same way? Or, maybe you feel that way today? You simply want to hang your head out the window, and plead, “Oh, God. Get me out of this! Hello, God, I need your help here … please!”
What you’re hoping for is a savior. You’re hoping someone will somehow save you. The good news is that your hope is no longer an empty dream. God is actively engaged in a plan to save you. He is a God of hope, and it is a hope that will not disappoint.
God’s plan for your salvation is three-dimensional: You’re saved from something; you’re saved for something; and you’re saved by something.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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