Daily Digest #211

I have learned to make God's words my refuge in times of loneliness and difficulties. I used to give in to my emotions that I either throw mean things back or isolate myself together with festering grudge. But it became exhausting after a while and realized there must be a better way to react to these situations, like diverting my attention somewhere else.
I believe that God's words can not only be found in the Bible, but are manifested all around us -- the wonders of nature, the kind and friendly people we meet, the help we get from others, the smiles we receive that brighten up our days, the love we feel from our family and loyal friends, etc. Truly, we can see Jesus' face in others if we choose to open up our eyes and widen our view. There's always something good out there. It's all a matter of perspective.
For this, let us pray to God, that He may bless us with eyes to see His good works. May we grow a thirst for wisdom and understanding of a deeper meaning of life. May we make time to open our Bibles and learn more about Him, so as to help us remember what He has done and been doing when we go out and meet the rest of the world, be guided in everything we think, say and do, and glorify His name in the way we live. Pray always. Enjoy your day! God bless!
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