Daily Digest #231

I hope you're all fine, and not bothering yourself with thoughts of "bad luck" today hehehe. By the way, let me greet you a Happy Valentine's Day! I was thinking of sending a separate email with 1 Corinthians 13 for Valentine, but it's already in today's reflection, so lucky me :D I do hope we celebrate love everyday, and not only on special occasions. We are all in search and in need of affection, so let's invite love into our lives.
Love, love, love. Many quotes, songs and poems have been written to express what it means, but rarely does it come close to God's definition. We are so overwhelmed by "romance" that we only soar and appreciate it at good times, and crash when it fades. We can be fair-weather girl friends, boy friends or friends sometimes. We are often confused between mere feeling and the action that results from love which involves commitment to love.
I've witnessed how love transforms over time. Long, lasting relationships that managed to stay after years of trials and fights are testimonies of commitment to love. Not only can they be seen in old married couples, but also among friends who remained close despite of age and distance. In my life, I have had relationships that grew and withered over time. And I have learned one thing about relationships: that it takes 2 to make it work, and just 1 to destroy it.
Tests can either strengthen, or tear our relationship apart. May we make a choice to commit to love. May we remind ourselves of our individual roles in our relationships. May we ask God to bless our relationships and bring both people closer to Him. Enjoy your day. Pray always!
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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