Daily Digest #290

For me, spiritually blindness happens when one doubts and does not hear or choose to listen to the answers to his/her questions, or one is experiencing so much pain to the point of unbelief. Then one would tend to listen to his/her own "wise" counsel. Reality would become one cruel joke, without a trace of hope, leaving one choice: to take full charge. But for every unfortunate twist or ending, the blame is thrown back to God.
Allow me to share a bit of the reading "Why Christians Doubt", p. 32:
The Cycle of Faith and Doubt
All areas of life have their cycles. A vocation, a marriage, and a relationship to Jesus generally begin with a honeymoon period, then enter a time during which the realities of life gradually replace the early building stage. This often leads into a time marked by varying degrees of disillusionment and discontent. It is at this point that crucial decisions must be made. At work, one can quit, continue as a disgruntled worker, or see the problems through. In marriage, one can escape by divorce, continue in a lackluster relationship, or set about to mend the marriage. In the Christian life, one can drop out, continue as an unhappy and defeated believer, or determine to work through the difficulties. Going the full cycle often brings on a new level of satisfaction in the workplace, lifts honeymoon love to the level of mature mutually-enriching love, and transforms the euphoric faith with which we began into confident trust. Even then, struggles will continue. As long as we are imperfect people living in this fallen world, we will confront doubts. But Jesus promised, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life" (Jn. 8:12). Because of our human frailty, we will sometimes step off His path into darkness. But if we follow the hymn writer's admonition to trust and obey, we will soon be back on His path. The light of Christ, not the darkness, will be our home. End.
For this, let us pray. May we learn to trust in the Lord. May we build a deep and open relationship with Him so we may pour out all our emotions, doubts and fears to Him freely, and listen to His answers. May we see and follow the light of Christ. Pray always. God bless!
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