Daily Digest #314

I often forget to count my blessings, the reason why I also remind myself in writing, especially when I am too focused on my life's flaws and misfortunes. And the more I sin, the more discouraged I am to come to Him and the less hope I have for myself. But God is merciful and gracious. It took a looooooong time for me to really understand this because I was, and am still sometimes, too preoccupied with my own concerns. And this has stirred my focus away from God. I could have used my time to worship and honor him instead of complain and ask for what I do not have. I learned how my justice is much too different from His. He taught me how to listen, and how to pray. And this gave me a new perspective in dealing with different situations, good or bad.
God's love is beyond measure. His love has given me the courage to write today even though I know in my heart that I am a sinner, because He has forgiven me, and is watching over me. I guess we are all reminded of this, especially when we feel or think the whole world is against us. His love is more than enough. His love makes us become a better person until each of us is made into His Son's likeness. Our God is great indeed. May we sing praises to Him today.
For this, let us pray. Lord, we praise You for Your greatness, love and mercy. We worship You for Your power over our lives, and over our sins. Lord, we know we are not perfect, and so we ask that our hearts be purified. Please give us the heart to forgive and love, just as You have loved and forgiven us. We pray for our families, our friends, our co-workers, our subordinates, our neighbors, our community, and our enemies. May the desires of our hearts be according to Your will. We ask these through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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