Daily Digest #38
He is not here, but is risen! —Luke 24:6
We often believe in heresay, especially when they come from people we know, those we respect, or even love. We can never know the whole truth unless we investigate to get to the bottom of the issue. This happens even amongst friends who have misunderstandings. Gossiping about each other never helps. This just makes things worse, often leading to new *versions of the truth*, then quarrels, envy, regrets and hatred. I guess knowing one's intension of saying or doing something gives a whole new perspective.
We ought to commend people who would stop at nothing to get to the truth. Not only do they uphold their principles, they also demonstrate how God works for people with good intension. Just like Jesus Christ's disciples who lived their lives spreading the good news in the midst of crisis, even facing death. We wonder, what's in it for them? Did they glorify themselves before men, or did they glorify God?
We have so many questions, and will have more, as we embark on this journey of renewing our faith. When in doubt, may we turn to the Bible. May we pray and learn to wait patiently for His answers. May we ask for wisdom, that we may understand the way He wants us to understand. Pray always.
We often believe in heresay, especially when they come from people we know, those we respect, or even love. We can never know the whole truth unless we investigate to get to the bottom of the issue. This happens even amongst friends who have misunderstandings. Gossiping about each other never helps. This just makes things worse, often leading to new *versions of the truth*, then quarrels, envy, regrets and hatred. I guess knowing one's intension of saying or doing something gives a whole new perspective.
We ought to commend people who would stop at nothing to get to the truth. Not only do they uphold their principles, they also demonstrate how God works for people with good intension. Just like Jesus Christ's disciples who lived their lives spreading the good news in the midst of crisis, even facing death. We wonder, what's in it for them? Did they glorify themselves before men, or did they glorify God?
We have so many questions, and will have more, as we embark on this journey of renewing our faith. When in doubt, may we turn to the Bible. May we pray and learn to wait patiently for His answers. May we ask for wisdom, that we may understand the way He wants us to understand. Pray always.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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