Martian Child

David: [as Dennis enters house for the first time] Just think of it as a bigger box...
David: Why did they send you here? You know, the Martians?
Dennis: To join a family and to learn human beingness.
Dennis: To join a family and to learn human beingness.
Dennis: Was I bad?
David: I don't care about any of that stuff. Look, this is just stuff.
[Drops a bowl]
Dennis: [Drops a bowl softly]
David: Come on! Break it like you mean it!
[Throws another bowl]
David: [Dennis throws some plates] Now that! Come on!
David: I don't care about any of that stuff. Look, this is just stuff.
[Drops a bowl]
Dennis: [Drops a bowl softly]
David: Come on! Break it like you mean it!
[Throws another bowl]
David: [Dennis throws some plates] Now that! Come on!
David: I don't want to bring another kid into this world. But how do you argue against loving one that's already here?
Dennis: But then I started doing science and realized the Earth was spinning around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour. held in place by gravity and I thought "What the heck do I need to be from Mars for?"
David: That's a good question, which is usually what adults say if they don't know the answer.
David: Isn't he wild?
Harlee: He's great, like a little Andy Warhol.
David: He has the same social skills, by the way.
Harlee: You know what I think it is?
David: What?
Harlee: He's an old soul.
David: What does that mean?
David: Seriously.
Harlee: It just means he's figured it out.
Harlee: He's great, like a little Andy Warhol.
David: He has the same social skills, by the way.
Harlee: You know what I think it is?
David: What?
Harlee: He's an old soul.
David: What does that mean?
David: Seriously.
Harlee: It just means he's figured it out.
David: Dennis, can I just say one last thing about Mars? - which may be strange coming from a Science-Fiction writer - But right now, you and me here, put together entirely of atoms, sitting on this round rock with a core of liquid iron, held down by this force that seems to trouble you, called gravity, all the while spinning around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour and whizzing through the milkyway at 600,000 miles an hour in a universe that very well may be chasing its own tail at the speed of light; And admist all this frantic activity, fully cognisant of our own eminent demise - which is our own pretty way of saying we all know we're gonna die - We reach out to one another. Sometimes for the sake of entity, sometimes for reasons you're not old enough to understand yet, but a lot of the time we just reach out and expect nothing in return. Isn't that strange? Isn't that weird? Isn't that weird enough? The heck do ya need to be from Mars for?
Dennis: Beware! I almost disney-graded you.
David: Disintegrate me? Why would you do that?
David: Disintegrate me? Why would you do that?
David: So what made you think that I would be a good match for a boy who spends most of his time in a box?
David: Hi. What's your name?
Esther: Esther.
David: Hi, Esther.
Esther: I know who you are.
David: You do?
Esther: You're the man who Sophie called about Dennis, but you don't want him 'cause your wife's dead.
David: Who told you that?
Esther: Dennis.
David: Are you a friend of his, or what?
Esther: No, he's a weirdo. He doesn't have any friends.
David: He doesn't? Where is he hanging out?
Esther: He's in the box. He doesn't come out until night.
David: Why does he do that?
Esther: The sun. He hates the sun.
David: Why does he hate the sun?
Esther: I don't know. Because he thinks it's too sunny?
David: Right.
Esther: Esther.
David: Hi, Esther.
Esther: I know who you are.
David: You do?
Esther: You're the man who Sophie called about Dennis, but you don't want him 'cause your wife's dead.
David: Who told you that?
Esther: Dennis.
David: Are you a friend of his, or what?
Esther: No, he's a weirdo. He doesn't have any friends.
David: He doesn't? Where is he hanging out?
Esther: He's in the box. He doesn't come out until night.
David: Why does he do that?
Esther: The sun. He hates the sun.
David: Why does he hate the sun?
Esther: I don't know. Because he thinks it's too sunny?
David: Right.
Liz: Guys, get off the dog!
Nicholas: We're just playing.
Liz: That dog is like 200 years old in human- would you do that to Grandma?
Nicholas: We're just playing.
Liz: That dog is like 200 years old in human- would you do that to Grandma?
David: Uh, listen, Chief, I, uh... I brought you some sunblock. Very strong stuff. SPF 45, that's sun protection factor, and uh, helps you against the ultraviolet rays, which are, you know, they call them the UV rays. Anyways, it’s hypoallergenic and waterproof. I'll just leave it for you.
Liz: Hey. Hey, Dennis. Do you wanna have some turkey with us?
Dennis: I can't eat anything grown on Saturn's moons.
Liz: Well then, I think you're safe here.
Dennis: I can't eat anything grown on Saturn's moons.
Liz: Well then, I think you're safe here.
Dr. Berg: He probably thinks he's going to float away because he's very smart and he sees that he's living in a world where things and people do disappear.
Taken from IMDB.
Taken from IMDB.
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