Daily Digest #203

Allow me to share another article from the Purpose Driven Life online. May we be reminded of God's presence and gift to us, and thank Him for all our blessings. Let us count ourselves lucky for being able to enjoy the miracles of life, and for seeing Jesus Christ in the faces of other people. May our lives also be a reflection of God's image, not out of self-righteousness but of love, compassion and kindness, giving glory to His name. Pray always. God bless!
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Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Romans 5:1 (NLT)
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Do you realize that if you're trying to live your life without God, you are at war with him? You are at war with God, and you need a peace treaty. You need reconciliation because your relationship with God has been broken. Jesus Christ came to be that bridge, to be the reconciler between God and man.
When you trust Jesus, he makes it all go away. He says, "I'm going to completely wipe out everything you've ever done wrong. You're completely forgiven. Come on home!"
The Bible says, "Now that we have been put right with God through faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1 TEV). Have you made peace with God? If you haven't, you'd better, because one day you will have to face him. You need to make peace with God.
How do you make peace with God? You don't do it by promising to be good or by being perfect. You can't. The Bible says you make peace by faith – faith in God's grace.
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