Daily Digest #235

Special occasions every year either get us excited, or make us run for the hills :D Times like Christmas and Valentine's Day leave most of us feeling like crap when we do not have a special "someone" in our lives. But when we do feel bad about them, or sulk into self-pity, we're missing the whole point of these occasions. We've reduced their meanings to society's standards which are basically for commercial purposes. We forget to focus on the virtues that are highlighted in them... LOVE, GRATEFULNESS, GENEROSITY, FORGIVENESS and KINDNESS, to name a few. And we always have family and loyal friends to celebrate them with. Honestly, do we need to wait for these occasions (and take note, each one happens only once a year!) to actually exercise these virtues? Aren't we given the chance to do that every single day? Let us assess our attitude towards them. What are we truly celebrating?
For this, let us pray. May we learn to celebrate life. May we value each blessing and give thanks. May we not allow society to dictate our values and principles, and learn to abide by God's standards instead. Let's make every day a Love Day. Pray always.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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