Daily Digest #245

Because of impatience, I have set goals that ended up unmet. I have lost many opportunities to serve, to love and be happy. I have made wrong choices and ended up unsatisfied with the results. I have lost time. Which brings me to a conclusion that patience is truly a virtue. I have yet to remind myself over and over that life is a waiting line. That everywhere we go, we have to wait: for a ride to work, for the traffic lights to turn green, for our turn to be served at the grocery counter, for our moment to speak and to listen, for the right man or woman to come along, for the pain to go away, or for our prayers to be answered. Just thinking about all the waiting makes me cringe. That's how impatient I am sometimes, haha.
I am thankful for today's Bible verse and reflection above. It's like hearing the words "Be still and know that I am God" as I read between the lines. It makes me hope and believe more that one day my transformation will be complete.
For this, let us pray. May we grow a patient heart. May we make good use of what He has given to us at the moment, and wait as He reveals more of His surprises. May we instill in our hearts and minds what we have learned along the way, and make better choices should the opportunity arise. May we be thankful for all the people we encounter, for they bear a lesson for us to learn. See? Life is not just a waiting line, but a journey of learning, too. Pray always.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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