Daily Digest #251

Haaay age. It's funny how we deny our real age from the time we reach 30 :D I, on the other hand, had debated about my age numerous times before (I was often thought older than my age heheh, and I took it like some sort of dreadful disease). Anyway, this made me realize how we can be so conscious of our age, myself included. I notice how I usually ask for a person's age (directly or indirectly), maybe out of habit or mere curiosity. The question is, does it really matter when it comes to serving and loving God? Is it alright to assume that someone is being self-righteous for the slightest talk about God? We often tend to make assumptions or judgments on people's character/choices, or praise the person instead of God, when all we need to do is focus on the message, ponder on it, and make the choice to apply it in our lives or not.
Truly, age does not matter when it comes to loving and serving God. It is in our willingness to be used as His instrument. For this let us pray. May we age with grace and wisdom. May we build a close relationship with the Lord so we are guided in everything that we do. May we allow Him to work within us, and through us -- irregardless of age, and/or status. Pray always.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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