Daily Digest #273

I have great respect for people who claim to believe "loving and doing good" over religion. What I don't get is the fuss we all make to determine which religion or religious sect a person belongs to know or judge his/her ways or choices, or which religion is better than the other. I have heard many times from the wise that "there is but one God", that no matter which religion we proclaim or profess, it all lies on the life that we lead. Actions do speak louder than words.
Honestly, what does it take to be called religious, or simply faithful? Only our relationship with God and our neighbors can determine where we stand in terms of our spirituality, or life itself. Let us ask ourselves these questions... Do I love? Do I forgive? Do I show mercy? What do I do with what has been given to me? How do I treat Jesus Christ in my life?
For this, let us pray. May our claim for love of God not only reflect in our words, but also in our actions. May we grow a humble and faithful heart. May we learn to truly love, and forgive. Pray always.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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