Daily Digest #277

I had the pleasure of attending a special farewell party for one of our sisters in the community last night, and I couldn't thank God more for letting me witness His love and grace in the face of others. I heard many memorable stories there, but what really enlightened me was the lesson about letting go. And the reading today is just as timely....
At some point, we all get to experience the fear of letting go. We refuse to let go of our comfort zones because we do not want to risk losing what we already have. But the reality is, the more we cling onto things, places or people, the more likely it is for us to lose sight of the purpose of what we have, and the farther we get from accomplishing whatever task God has laid upon us, thus farther away from God Himself. When we reach some sort of comfort in our lives, we tend to forget to assess if there's still room for growth and ask 'does/will THIS take me closer to God'?
What I loved about my sister's sharing was how she stuck on the positive side, despite of all the warnings and fear of losing her comfort zone (friends, work, community and Thailand). And she was able to do so because of her complete trust in God. And you know what? Extraordinary blessings unraveled right in front of her upon making that decision to say YES to God. She realized yet again how God moves in mysterious ways, and that the path where He's leading her now is so much better than she even imagined. I'm sure everyone in that room gained a sense of hope and trust in the Lord.
For this, let us pray. May we learn to trust God with all our hearts. May we keep holding on to Him, even to the edge of His robe, especially when we're face to face with what may seem as adversity. May we learn to let go and let God. Pray always.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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