Daily Digest #331

There are so many inspirational and motivational books available everywhere. They are usually geared towards improving one's life. I am a fan of inspirational books as well. Whenever I go to the bookstore, I always spend at least an hour browsing through some of these books. The only question is, where are these books based?
When I started building the habit of reading the Scriptures, I began to be curious where my other reading materials were coming from. I have a small collection of books at my place, and I found that most of them were actually written by advocates of new age beliefs. I have always admired great writings -- those that help me become a better person. But sometimes, books have different objectives -- those that alter the truth, those that deny the existence of God. And as believers, we ought to be cautious of what we read. We are vulnerable human beings who are most frail when our core beliefs are shaken. Even the words we hear from our dearest families, closest friends or even the people at church can be tampered by un-Godly ideas. I do not mean to sound self-righteous , but this battle is indeed happening within each of us. Everyday, we learn, un-learn and re-learn the good and the bad. We are all in search of spirituality that we either look for it in various religions or just on our own. But the Bible is here, and no matter how culture, religion, society or modernity have altered God's Words, it IS and will forever be the absolute truth. If our core beliefs are not based on God's truth, what on earth are we trying to prove? I believe that it is always wise to think that we are mere humans who do not know everything, and cannot do everything on our own.
Most of the time, when people are encouraged to read the Bible, they think they are being recruited to join a sect or a cult :D But I say read, and see for yourself. The Bible is the story of our lives. Every problem, every personal issue, every victory is found there. And no matter how others have read it, the meaning may be unique for each of us at a given time, because the message is so personal that we are left in awe, and our lives are changed. It is not for spiritual highs either. Knowledge only becomes wisdom when we practice what we learned in our lives. And I believe that is much better than a "spiritual high".
Like you, I am a work in progress. I have so much to change in my habits, in my way of thinking, in myself. But to know the truth that God is here, guiding me through His Words, gives me courage that I will be a much better person someday.
For this, let us pray. Heavenly Father, thank You for sending us Your Word. Thank You for the lessons we learn everyday. Thank You for giving us hope, and chance to make a fresh start. Thank You for your patience in us. Forgive us for our impatience with ourselves, with others and with You. May Your will be done on us always. Amen.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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