Daily Digest #322

I just had a rough week. I was bothered by many things lately, and all I did was sleep. But the numerous symbolic dreams left me exhausted the next waking day. Good thing I was able to talk to my sister and mom, who made me see things differently. My closest friends also shared words of wisdom (through their stories and songs and quotes) that I really needed at that moment. I guess through His instruments, God was stirring me back to Him all along. I was too preoccupied with my worries that I forgot to focus on Him alone. I looked for peace and comfort in the wrong places when He had always been waiting for me to come back to Him. I had to re-learn to lift all my burdens to Him, and sincerely pray.
I realize that whenever I start feeling tired and helpless, God is telling me to stop and look up. He asked me, "Why are you worrying? Don't you trust Me enough? Where is your faith? Why do you doubt? Why do you carry your burdens on your own? Why don't you lift your concerns to me?"
For this, please join me in prayer.... Lord, thank You for Your faith in me. Thank You for never giving up on me. Thank You for giving me another chance to hope and to love. Thank You for making me a witness of Your love and glory. Thank You for letting me cling to You in moments of weakness and defeat. Please give me strength to face the day with passion and purpose. Please give me the heart to show how Jesus lives in me. Please give me the courage to follow Your will even when the ground shakes. Amen.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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