Thursday, July 30, 2009

Daily Digest #321

Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. —1 Corinthians 15:5

When I finished college and went to work, I had a level of pride that seemed to demand acknowledgment and recognition from others all the time. I expected everyone to respect me for the work that I do. I wanted them to realize that I was very much competent in my job, and that I came from a very reputable institution. But being away from home taught me how character matters the most. My initial intention made my life so dull that I didn't really value anything from what I could accomplish. I was too focused on myself that I struggled making friends and gaining respect from my students.

But I realize how God had been watching me all those times. He humbles my heart through the lessons he reveals to me each day. He wants me to become selfless enough to think about the difference I can make, in my own little way. And THAT He sees. He gives me courage to see what needs to be done, and strength to do it. He makes me realize how others depend on the things I do -- how a single soul counts. It makes a huge difference to do things passionately for God rather than one's self.

We all have this yearning to be noticed, either by everybody or somebody who matters to us. Somehow we believe that being noticed by people validates our existence. But what we usually forget is that no amount of human recognition can match what God sees and hears. He sees every move we make, and hears every thought in our minds. We sometimes complain about being unnoticed when we ourselves do not even notice others around us. God sees our intension. He knows when we are being selfish or sly. He knows when we think ill of our neighbors. He knows everything.

For this, let us pray. Lord, You see everything, You know everything. Thank You for guiding our steps and for keeping us closer to You. Thank You for the moments when You humble our hearts, when You give us a different perspective, and when You give us inner peace and happiness at the end of the day. Lord, You are more than enough, please remind us everyday. May we give glory to Your name in the things that we say and do. May we serve You with all our hearts. Amen.

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