Daily Digest #334

Yesterday, I had YouTube overload on Ninoy and Cory's (Aquino) speeches in the early and late 80s. I couldn't help but weep, not our of grief because of their deaths, but out of joy and pride because of the hope they both instilled in us, their countrymen, that there is such thing as democracy. I was gathering comments on politics and democracy last night and earlier today and got similar reactions: "Oh, I hate politics. Let's change the subject." Politics has gotten its name so filthy over time that we give up hope and respect. I couldn't agree more. I, myself, have been so critical and judgmental about politics in general, that all I could care about is my own family. But realizing Cory and Ninoy's views and principles again was an eye-opener for me. They chose to see the goodness in Filipinos, despite all the bad attitude. They saw what we refuse to see.
I was telling my friend earlier that I was not a fan of politics, but of democracy. Cory and Ninoy were instruments for us to realize that it exists, and is worth fighting and living for. What they did made me feel like a fair-weather friend, who is only there in good times. I always see the flaws, but rarely give credit to good deeds. I usually doubt people's intension, when there are really those who are kind and generous and compassionate. I also liked what their daughter said in one of her interviews/speeches . She was humble enough to honor her parents for their principles and service, and for stressing the importance of prayer -- praying for each other, and looking out for each other. I was also touched when she said her parents never gave up hope, that they could always see something good in each of us. Somehow, this made me think, maybe the reason why I don't trust politics is because I've given up on democracy. But no, i realized i still believe in it... maybe I've just grown impatient like the rest of us, but who knows? We might still witness genuine democracy in our lifetime.
I was hesitant to share my views because I didn't want to sound "political", especially now that I am not living in the Philippines. It would be insensitive or naive of me to comment so much when I do not experience the everyday-life in my home country. Somehow, I felt guilty for not doing my part. I have never participated in national elections. So yesterday, I went to the embassy and registered. My mom would be soooo proud, heheh!
It dawned on me that someday, I may be back in my country again to live... My parents are surviving no matter how much they complain heheh. And I believe it's really not so bad. I'm still hoping and praying for better leaders in the future.
The passage today teaches us about the joy of serving. That we can hope and endure because we love what we do, and that we're not doing it for ourselves but for God and others. I guess keeping the purpose of serving God and others keeps one's heart away from greed, malice and injustice. For this, let us pray. May we do our utmost to serve with all our hearts -- may it be at home, at work, in the community or in the church. May we believe that we are part of a family that is aiming for one goal: a life of love, peace and unity. May we learn from past mistakes, and believe that we are all given a chance to change and make a difference every day. May we not belittle our capacity and our existence -- we are here for God's purpose. May we also pray for each other -- our leaders and our fellowmen. May we see Jesus in each others' faces, and serve with a smile on our faces and joy in our hearts. We ask these in Jesus' name. Amen.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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