Daily Digest #280

The phrase "life is unfair" is all too common. We've heard "bad things happen to good people" and vice versa, many times as well. We feel as if we're the only ones with loads on our backs. When the world is crumbling down, it's like we're right beneath it. We feel as if God had forsaken us.
But the truth is, even when we religiously pray, or serve God with all our hearts, it does not exempt us from facing trials. Our character is continuously tested over time, teaching us about patience, endurance, perseverance and trust in the Lord. The wise tells us that it is not the storm that matters, but how we dance in the rain. It is all a test. And there's always a reason why things happen -- which would fit perfectly in a greater plan yet to be revealed.
Jesus also felt abandoned in the last moments of His life. But He did not allow His fear to have His faith and love for His Father compromised. He continued to trust God, never doubting His will and power over evil.
For this, let us assess ourselves, especially if we are struggling.. .. May we quiet our minds and listen to our hearts -- God may just be speaking to us, giving us wise counsel, and guiding our decisions. May we develop a habit of praying, and build a stronger relationship with the Lord. Pray always.
Labels: daily digest, reflections
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